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About Neironix Digital assets are not only part of the modern financial system, but mark a new stage of global economic development as well. The investment market in blockchain startups is not limited by national boundaries, so a new era of alternative investment has come. ICO (Initial Coin Offering) which has replaced the traditional IPO (Initial Public Offering) is the main investment site for digital economy.  All ICOs held in 2016 were taken together to make $ 96 million. In 2017, this figure grew to $ 3.7 billion, while the cryptocurrency market capitalization reached $ 372 billion. The reason behind the dynamics of high investment increase lies in the growth of the number of new blockchain startups that are increasing rapidly and increasing interest in investment in the blockchain industry.  The disadvantage of the cryptocurrency investment market lies in the lack of legal rules and mechanisms for attracting financial resources in fiat currency that are adapted to the
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Review TravelNote Ecosystem

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SWACHHCOIN - Clean Environment is Our Protector from Disease

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Swachhcoin - The Solutions for Scattered Garbeg and Waste

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