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Showing posts from July 22, 2018 - Protecting the Internet

Market Overview In today's interconnected society characterized by increased capability of everyday devices to connect to other devices and people through the internet infrastructure, the high degree of connectivity raises a myriad of consumers’ privacy and data security concerns. The advertising industry enjoyed a negative attention both from the large public and the authorities because of its less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Following technological developments, online tracking became increasingly sophisticated, thus it is no longer limited to the "cookies" installed on the user's devices in order to monitor websites a user visits, but it can track real-time data accessed by a user and triangulate that with information stored about that user's location, financial data, health records, etc. These results are then complied into complex and rather comprehensive consumers' profiles that are sold to digital adver | NO ADS Learn More About

Context & Objectives When people hear about “Blockchain”, they think about Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency, which aims at changing the global economy. However, Blockchain, Bitcoin’s underlying technology is poised to disrupt other sectors as well. Starting last year there was a huge hype around the Blockchain technology stack and especially Ethereum-based start-ups developed to impact more common areas of our day-to-day routine and not only the banking and financial sectors (where paying intermediaries fees are no longer required). Blockchain technology started to be used for activities such as grocery shopping, online marketplace, paying for your dream house, car, holiday, etc. The advertising industry is yet another sector that is going to be reshaped by the Blockchain technologies, which accordingly to market experts could be the most groundbreaking change within the industry since the emergence of smartphones and social media. Considering that over 40%


Ethereum Based Our solution uses standard ERC20 tokens from the Ethereum platform which guarantees full transparency and accountability, meaning all transactions will be visible on the public BlockChain. No Ads At this moment, the web users are paying to browse the internet, either through subscriptions or through less transparent fees, such as digital advertising. In our envisaged environment the web users will enjoy an ad free Internet, while the web operators will still benefit from financial rewards. No Tracking In today's interconnected society, companies adopted less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Very sensitive information, such as financial and health records are often collected, thus raising a myriad of privacy concerns. Our solution incorporates a tracking script blocker that will severely disrupt the ability to continue tracking in real-time the user's activity Antivirus Protection The massive expansion of the

Egretia - The World's First HTML5 Blockchain Engine

Project Introduction The new internet revolution is coming. Blockchain will reconstruct the busines,s logic and user-relationships, bringing tremendous changes to the world. The changing tide of blockchain technology is inevitable! The implementation of applications is the basis for the realization of the technical value. Blockchain's technological and ecosystem improvements will drive Decentralized Apps (DApps) demand to unprecedentedly high levels. However, blockchain's underlying technology is intricate and quite complex, the learning cost is extremely high. How can developers create blockchain applications efficiently? Egretia, the world's first HTML5 blockchain platform, allows developers to easily and efficiently create blockchain applications without spending extraneous time on studying the underlying technology. Egretia has teamed up with Egret Technology, the global leader in the HTML5 industry. By integrating the cutting-edge blockchain technology into

Elysian - A decentralized platform to build Ecommerce websites on the blockchain

About Elysian Elysian is a decentralized platform that builds Ecommerce websites on the blockchain and uses innovative features such as upgraded security and unprecedented user experience to fix current flaws in the Ecommerce industry. The platform integrates blockchain technology to provide improved services in comparison to its competitors that do not operate on the blockchain. Elysian will use the Proof-of-Authority algorithm on its platform. Proof-of-Authority consensus will provide the Elysian ecosystem with a private blockchain to store encrypted credit card information and other user data securely over a distributed network, which will build trust between Ecommerce businesses and consumers. In addition, user experience faces a drastic transformation by implementing artificial intelligence and virtual reality to create simple, efficient website navigation and aesthetically pleasing graphics for users to provide the ultimate experience. The ecommerce market Business t