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Egretia - The World's First HTML5 Blockchain Engine

Project Introduction
The new internet revolution is coming. Blockchain will reconstruct the busines,s
logic and user-relationships, bringing tremendous changes to the world. The changing tide of blockchain technology is inevitable! The implementation of applications is the basis for the realization of the technical value. Blockchain's technological and ecosystem improvements will drive Decentralized Apps (DApps) demand to unprecedentedly high levels.

However, blockchain's underlying technology is intricate and quite complex, the learning cost is extremely high.

How can developers create blockchain applications efficiently?

Egretia, the world's first HTML5 blockchain platform, allows developers to easily and efficiently create blockchain applications without spending extraneous time on studying the underlying technology.

Egretia has teamed up with Egret Technology, the global leader in the HTML5 industry. By integrating the cutting-edge blockchain technology into Egret's proven HTML5 workflow, Egretia is aimed at bringing 200,000 existing developers and 1 billion mobile terminal devices to the blockchain world.

Egretia is also committed to building four core platforms and an incubator providing comprehensive blockchain solutions and services for players, content- providers, channels and advertisers, and facilitating a complete ecosystem in which tokens truly circulate.

Our Vision
1. Egretia brings 200,000 developers, 1 billion mobile devices as well as a variety of HTML5 content into the blockchain world, thus allowing more blockchain DApps to be developed and widely used.

2. Based on Egret's proven workflow, Egretia will provide new front and back-end services that encapsulate complex blockchain technology into HTML5 interfaces. Through accessing these interfaces, developers can devote their efforts to perfecting the content itself, instead of spending extraneous time on studying underlying blockchain technology.

3. Egretia creates an ecosystem with true token circulation on the basis of HTML5 content.

Presale Sale KYC/AML Required
ü  Presale Period                             : Registration starting
                                                    from April 30th, 2018, 8am CST
ü  Cap                                               : 25.000 ETH
ü  Rate                                              : 1ETH=84.000 EGT
ü  Min Contributions                     : 100 ETH
ü  Max Contributions                     : 1000 ETH
ü  Lockup Period                            : 4 months (20% token
                                                    released per time, total 5 times, The first
                                                    phase releasing on the same time when
                                                    public sale tokens being released)

Public Sale KYC/AML Required
ü  Public Period                                    : May 26, 2018, 8am CST - May 30, 2018, 8am CST
ü  Cap                                         : 10,000 ETH + 6,000,000 CMTCyberMiles
                                              + 1,000,000 ABT
ü  Rate                                        : 1ETH=70,000 EGT
ü  Min Contributions               : 0.1 ETH
ü  Max Contributions               : 3 ETH
ü  No Lockup Period

Before and during the token sale, contributions via a referral link in tokeneed is in effect.
ABTArcblock and CMTCyberMiles contribution requirements will be announced before Token Sale
Token Release:
6 weeks after token contribution completes.
Can't Participate: China, USA


Okay, you can visit their WEBSITE and WHITEPAPER to get more information. And for those of you who have Social Media, you can visit their social media on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. And for those of you who want to ask something about this Project, you can join their TELEGRAM Group and can also post your questions on their ANN THREAD, Thank you.
