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Showing posts from September 23, 2018


Despite the rapid development of non-cash payments and banking services, more than 1.5 billion people of our planet continue to work with cash. The share of smartphones is growing at a high rate, but not all have access to the necessary banking resources due to outdated software and cross-border restrictions. The most non-banking region is the Middle East, where only 14% of the population use Internet banking. The world's largest banks refuse to work in this region because of the complexity of compliance with the legislative framework. For example, the business model of the world's largest banks is built on lending with the collection of interest for the use of credit, which violates the Sharia law. The Crypto-currency solution solves all the problems that hinder the widespread development of the banking sector. Convenient access, reliable storage of money, ubiquitous availability and peer-to-peer transactions make it easier to work with finances. The decentralized platform R

Neluns - Ekosistem Keuangan Generasi Baru

Permasalahan Meskipun cryptocurrency menawarkan solusi untuk masalah fiat, akan tetapi sampai sekarang hanya beberapa orang atau perusahaan yang ingin menggunakan crypto, atau dengan kata lain, crypto gagal mengadopsi massa. Penyebab utama kegagalan ini adalah: 1.       Penggunaan cryptocurrency masih terbatas dan pertukaran cryptocurrency juga mengalami banyak masalah seperti crash selama beban puncak, batas penarikan, layanan pelanggan yang buruk, dan ancaman hacker. 2.       Banyak orang mengalami penipuan dan terjebak dalam proyek scam. 3.       Layanan cryptocurrency masih terbatas dibandingkan dengan bank tradisional. Solusi Neluns adalah ekosistem keuangan inovatif, menggabungkan diri dalam bank, yang beroperasi dengan fiat dan cryptocurrency, sehingga menciptakan kondisi untuk pengembangan kualitas pasar cryptocurrency dan arus masuk peserta baru dan modal baru. Ada 3 elemen utama dalam ekosistem Neluns meliputi: Neluns Bank, Neluns Exchange, dan Neluns Insu