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Despite the rapid development of non-cash payments and banking services, more than 1.5 billion people of our planet continue to work with cash. The share of smartphones is growing at a high rate, but not all have access to the necessary banking resources due to outdated software and cross-border restrictions. The most non-banking region is the Middle East, where only 14% of the population use Internet banking. The world's largest banks refuse to work in this region because of the complexity of compliance with the legislative framework. For example, the business model of the world's largest banks is built on lending with the collection of interest for the use of credit, which violates the Sharia law. The Crypto-currency solution solves all the problems that hinder the widespread development of the banking sector. Convenient access, reliable storage of money, ubiquitous availability and peer-to-peer transactions make it easier to work with finances. The decentralized platform Rubius offers its users all the advantages of cryptocurrency in combination with new level software.

Rubius Ecosystem
The Rubius ecosystem consists of our smartphone app called Aryl, our web-based exchange called Rubiex, the Rubius coins, and will include all of other proposed products. The ecosystem intertwines smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets, and all other computing devices into a platform for financial security.

Rubius Accounts
The Rubius accounts can be created within the Aryl app or on the Rubiex exchange. Your Rubius account will be usable for all of Rubius’s future products. This cross-platform functionality will enable you to utilize all of the software which we will offer, without having to waste time generating and remembering new login information.

Once our initial products have launched and we have begun generating revenue, we will begin researching the practicality of offering banking services (i.e., capital management, brokerage services, lending services, etc.). We will allocate a portion of profits to fintech research and development with the purpose of determining which banking services could be revolutionized using decentralized applications.

Explanation of Rubius

Transaction Speed & Cost
Compared to bitcoin, Rubius coins are capable of extremely fast and low-cost transactions. On average, the Rubius protocol enables transaction times over 40 times faster than bitcoin.

Rubius coins benefit from the speed and efficiency of the Ethereum platform. The average RUBY transactions take roughly 14 seconds to complete, whereas the average transaction time of bitcoin is roughly 10 minutes. During times of high volume, bitcoin transactions can take hours to complete, and some bitcoin users have reported waiting days for their transaction to finish.

The average cost of Rubius transactions is roughly 2% of the total cost to send bitcoins. With bitcoins, the average transaction fee is 55 USD, whereas Rubius coins have an average transaction fee of only 1 USD. This drastic difference makes the Rubius protocol far more scalable and sustainable than bitcoin, which is why Rubius is a much better candidate for the consumer market.

The Rubius protocol is a decentralized blockchain solution that focuses on the transfer and exchange of Rubius coins. This protocol is focused on serving an ecosystem of Rubius software which will provide the world with trustless, ubiquitous financial services.

Rubius Coins
Rubius coins or RUBYs are a decentralized cryptocurrency based on the ERC20 token standard. RUBY transactions are simple, safe, and low-cost.

RUBY coins are an autonomous digital currency supported by the Ethereum platform and all RUBY transactions will be processed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The EVM ensures transparency by verifying, recording, and publishing all transactional data.

ICO Details
We have dedicated 70% of all Rubius coins to our initial coin offering. Our Pre-ICO will begin on July 31st and last for two weeks. The main sale for our ICO will start at 2:00pm EST on August 21st, 2018. The ICO will consist of three phases, spanning across five weeks (or until all tokens have sold). After the end of each phase, the price will increase, so we recommend participants get their RUBYs early.

Expansion Plan
We plan to expand internationally by partnering with other companies in the financial services sector, acquiring competitors, and doing extensive marketing. The marketing channels will be focused on traditional press/publications, social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit), opinion influencers, blockchain and fintech conferences, and word of mouth.

Rubius is currently a startup company but our following and coverage is growing rapidly. We plan to expand our partnerships with payment providers (Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal), banks, credit card companies, and other fintech companies around the world. Our team is in the process of establishing relationships with many such companies in North America, the EU, Asia, and Africa.

The financial services sector generates over 13 trillion USD in revenue every year [6]. If Rubius were to take 0.5% of this revenue by offering our decentralized financial services, then we would accumulate over $650 billion annually, which would be shared with coin holders through our quarterly coin buyback.

The development of the Aryl payment app and the Rubiex exchange platform will be completed in late November or early December of this year. Once these platforms go live, we will begin a substantial marketing campaign to immediately garner users, which will allow us to start generating revenue. Cryptocurrency exchanges, even the small ones, earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and the medium-sized exchanges typically bring in millions of dollars every day. Therefore, once our exchange marketplace is active, we will be collecting enough income every day to expand our operations, build up our team, improve our software, and create our future products.

The focus of our management staff will be on rapid yet sustainable growth. This fast-paced expansion will be needed to adhere to our timeline and accomplish our goals. In 2019, we plan for Rubiex to be one of the first cryptocurrency exchanges to transition into a complete broker- dealer, offering equities, ETFs, mutual funds, and forex trading alongside its crypto-trading. In 2020 / 2021, we will begin offering banking services and expand our software products.

The following page displays an illustration of the platform’s potential growth. Please note that all numbers are only projections based on current estimates.

My Address : 0x1CA8a1B166F6Df2015fdC26530Df182A7b5E9C0a
